Ministry of Mines and Energy

Commenced in

The objective of this Project has been to establish a fully computerized, GIS based management system for entire life cycle of a mineral title with manifold types of rights and possible interventions (CTMS). Based on the 1992 minerals act as the legal basis, and a voluminous set of administrative procedures, those relevant for the title transactions have to be assessed, analyzed and “cast” into programmed management procedures. These procedures have to consider payment obligations, connected calendar events (alert warnings), the user-designed generation of maps and maplets, and the computer-assisted generation of more than 100 different documents. A whole set of Namibian topographic maps and title information has to be captured normalized and ingested in the system.

The following services were provided within the framework of the project:

  • Evaluation of the present treatment of mineral titles applications
  • Determination of requirements for the computerized management of mineral titles
  • Design and programming of digital database
  • Capture of national baseline data
  • Development of easy-to-use and robust graphical user interfaces
  • Procurement of hardware and software
  • Institutional strengthening and capacity building

This system has been operational without interruption for more than 16 years. Within this very long period, the system with its three modules i) GIS (Geographic Information System), ii) TAM (Title Attribute Management) and iii) Q&R (Query and Retrieval) was migrated and updated two times.